What Does Pride Month Mean to You?
What Does Pride Month Mean to You?
Wednesday 19 June 2024 / by Amal De Abreu, Marketing Manager posted in Pride Month LGBTIQA+ Diversity & Inclusion

June is Pride Month. It is a time for celebration, reflection, and advocacy for the LGBTIQA+ community and allies. It holds different meanings for different people, and to capture the diversity, I reached out to various individuals at Holman Webb Lawyers and asked, “What does Pride Month Mean to You?

Their valuable insights highlighted Pride Month's significance and the legal industry's efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.

Here are some of the responses I received:

1. What pride month means for me: it’s a time to let go of traditional narratives and embrace the positivity in change, inviting emotional safety and well-being. As happy of a month it can be for those who celebrate, I know that it can also be triggering for those who have yet to overcome the challenges presented to them for various reasons, such as backgrounds, religious beliefs, and public or family opinions. It is important that we can offer a safe and welcoming environment to everyone. The law does not discriminate against gender, sexuality, or age, nor should we.  Diana

2. To me, pride means celebrating and the recognition of LGBTIQA+ person’s identities in the community and their rights and contributions to our society. It means visibility, validation and solidarity with a community that, to this day, experiences hate and prejudice in some parts of the world. I see Pride Month as a representation of the ongoing fight for equality, the right not to be discriminated against and a time to reflect on the progress made and the progress to be made to work towards creating a more inclusive society. Mahnaz

3. To me, Pride Month is a reminder that gains in acceptance and diversity need to be nurtured and celebrated so we can keep them alive and moving. ‘The price of liberty is eternal vigilance’. Whoever said that was right, keep it going! Zara

4. To me, Pride Month is an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come in this society in embracing diversity. I have seen so much change and acceptance in my own lifetime. It is also a chance to acknowledge that if we care about the oppression of any one group or minority, then we should care about all persons who suffer prejudice or oppression.  Whilst there remain areas of discrimination in this country that we still need to address, we live in a global community where fellow LGBTIQA+ people are subjected to ongoing and damaging prejudice. We must continue to work together both here and internationally to change attitudes and end conflict involving oppressed, mistreated, and vulnerable communities. All people should be free to become the fullest expression of themselves. Will

In addition to these personal perspectives, Holman Webb Lawyers is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and unity for our employees and clients. This includes initiatives to provide support networks, ensure equal opportunities for all individuals, and contribute to a more just and equitable society.

As we celebrate Pride Month, let's continue to listen to and uplift these voices and work towards a more inclusive and diverse society.

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