Julia Brabant

Special Counsel


Sydney Office


Julia has practised exclusively in insurance law and litigation for over 20 years on a diverse range of claims acting on behalf of insurers of landlords, manufacturers, suppliers, building professionals, shopping centres, public authorities, solicitors and managing agents.

Julia has acted in personal injury claims in a variety of contexts (such as commercial premises, residential premises and construction sites) product liability claims such as faulty irrigation systems and the defective design, construction and installation of a spa, claims in respect of damage caused by specific occurrences such as fire, for example the fire on board HMAS Westralia, and escape of water, Compensation to Relative claims and professional indemnity claims on behalf of solicitors and managing agents.

Julia has had the conduct of claims across a wide variety of jurisdictions including in the High Court, Federal Court, Appeal Courts, Supreme Courts in various states including a lengthy and complex professional indemnity claim in the Northern Territory, and District Courts. She has also instructed at Coronial Inquests.

The claims often involve construing contractual agreements and advising on indemnity and insurance clauses in commercial agreements, building contracts and leases. Julia also advises insurers on policy interpretation, compliance and indemnity issues.

Her focus is on the proactive management and early resolution of claims.

Professional Memberships

Member, Women in Insurance; Member, Claims Discussion Group.

Areas of Expertise

Public and Product Liability; General Insurance, ISR, Indemnity and Fraud; Professional Indemnity.


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