Health Aged Care & Life Sciences

The health, aged care and life sciences team includes a number of lawyers who have clinical qualifications and/or have held prominent positions within the health industry. This gives them additional depth and understanding in providing advice in an increasingly diverse and complex sector.

The sector will continue to attract resources and drive innovation in areas as diverse as infrastructure and building development to e-health care. Innovative therapeutic goods such as biologicals and personalised medicine will be further developed by the life sciences sector.

Against this background, Holman Webb’s health, aged care and life sciences team provides advice that keeps pace with the latest developments.

Our team has acted for health and aged care industry clients over a number of years, both in the ‘for profit’ and the ‘not for profit’ sector.

Clients we’ve assisted include hospital operators, health care professionals, aged care and retirement living operators, private health insurers, pharmaceutical, health and medical research institutes, medical device and biotechnology companies.

Our expertise includes corporate and commercial advice, including mergers and acquisitions, drafting commercial agreements, corporate governance, regulatory advice and commercial litigation.

We also advise on medical malpractice claims on behalf of insurers, hospitals and clinicians and healthcare practitioner disciplinary proceedings. In addition, we represent clients in coronial inquests.

Our team provides advice on intellectual property related to health and medical research along with the manufacture, licensing, registration, marketing and distribution of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and other therapeutic goods.

We assist employers resolve and understand risks related to employment disputes in discrimination, workplace health and safety, and workers compensation. At a time when the growth in health and aged care related matters invites greater public scrutiny and regulation, our expertise, comprehensive range of legal services and competitive fee structure provides certainty and value to our clients.


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