Foreign Investment & Migration

Holman Webb has deep expertise in relation to investment in Australian real property, corporations and businesses.

We can assist overseas companies and foreign investors with:

In particular, Holman Webb is in a position to offer migration and foreign investment advice to investors from the People’s Republic of China. Lawyers at Holman Webb have native Mandarin and Cantonese speaking capacity and the firm operates closely with the Shanghai office of Graf von Westphalen with whom we are a member of the SCG Legal Group.

Partners of the firm regularly provide seminars both in Australia and in People’s Republic of China to potential investors and the firm is perfectly placed to give cost effective advice on matters concerning Australian migration and investment law to clients in Australia and People’s Republic of China.

Holman Webb offers specialised legal services to overseas businesses wishing to establish operations in Australia and local businesses seeking talent from overseas, as well as foreign nationals who wish to migrate to and invest or carry on business in Australia.

Many international businesses have benefited from our assistance in establishing local operations in Australia and relocating essential staff to this country. Likewise already established businesses in Australia find it very useful to seek and bring in overseas talent to enhance their business offerings. In the business setting, the usual application is for a subclass 457 visa which allows temporary residency for up to 4 years for employees and their partners and family members nominated by businesses operating in Australia.

Australian migration law provides for a number of fast track pathways to permanent residency for investors including the Significant Investor Visa and the Business Innovation and Investment Visas. We can assist in such applications including arranging State Government sponsorship; and preparing the requisite expression of interest, application and supporting documentation.

For further information regarding migration guidelines please click the following:

Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection Consumer Guide.

Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection Code of Conduct for Registered Migration Agents.

Holman Webb律师行在公司法,商业法和物权法有深厚的专业知识。 我们可以协助海外公司和外国投资者的地方包括:

  • 海外投资审查委员会审批
  • 对当地企业建立的法律结构和编制的建议
  • 资产收购时的尽职调查
  • 起草和谈判合同
  • 资金协议
  • 对分销安排提供法律意见
  • 资产收购合约方面的问题
  • 知识产权保护
  • 联邦和州政府监管要求

Holman Webb有强大的资源为澳洲和中国的客户提供投资和移民方面最好的法律服务。Holman Webb 有国语和粤语律师专门为中国企业和客户提供法律服务。本行和德国丰伟律师行上海办公室有密切的合作关系。丰伟律师行和Holman Webb都是西塞罗国际律师联盟和State Capital Group Legal的成员. 本律师行的合伙人常常收到邀请在澳洲和中国发表演讲,为客户和投资人士提供最新法律消息。因此Holman Webb完全有条件和能力为澳洲和中国的客户提供投资和移民方面最好的法律建议。 移民
在Holman Webb我们有专家为海外企业在澳洲投资上提供法律服务,并且也为当地企业在海外招聘人才上提供法律服务。如有海外人士希望在澳洲居住投资和开展业务,Holman Webb 有资深的移民律师为您提供法律服务。

我们律师行的 可以在移民法律的所有方面为客户提供法律服务,包括鉴定哪个签证最适合客户和客户家人的情况和成功率最高。 我们律师行的  先生的帮助下,多家跨国公司成功的澳洲建立了分部,并且公司要员也在Casson 先生的帮助下得到了澳洲工作签证。澳洲当地的成功企业也非常希望能在全球招聘人才。为了满足澳洲企业的人才需要,海外人才可以依靠由澳洲企业赞助的457签证来澳洲工作。457 签证一般是4年期限,申请人可以带上自己的家人。


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